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Enlarged In The Midst of Distress

Writer's picture: Andrea BrownAndrea Brown

Updated: Jun 5, 2020

When we face adversity it can feel as though our world is being shaken, the very foundations ready to give way. The enemy of our souls would love for us to believe that God is distant, silent, and unresponsive, especially when we suffer affliction, undergo hardship, or are faced with the unknown. Beloved, I don't know what your life looks like at the moment, but I want to encourage you to place your trust in Christ Jesus who stands outside time and Whose love is from everlasting to everlasting.

Although globally, we are wadding through uncertain times; in Christ, we can rest confidently in the certainty of our God and Father. The word of God is a place we come to commune with the Savior and are saturated with His Person. It is where we receive the truth of His love and uncover His faithfulness throughout generations. We have a Heavenly Father who intimately knows and loves us; capable of raising the dead to life, giving beauty for ashes.

‭‭Isaiah‬ ‭55v9 reminds us, ”For as the heavens are higher than the earth, So are My ways higher than your ways, And My thoughts than your thoughts.” God did not send the problem but He can use it for our benefit when we continue to trust in Him and His goodness.

Jesus demonstrated the heart of our Father and His ways as He walked on earth. In Luke 9v16 Jesus, "Taking the five loaves and the two fish and looking up to heaven, he gave thanks and broke them. Then he gave them to the disciples to distribute to the people." We know the people ate until they were full and there were twelve baskets leftover. By human estimation, the breaking of the loaves would be in essence subtraction, yet in the hands of God, it became multiplication.

What is broken in your life? What are you facing that seems impossible?

The impossible is what God does and what we see as brokenness is beautiful before the LORD. As we are in a relationship with Jesus it may seem as though our life is going backward, things are being turned upside down; but sometimes this happens that we might loosen our grip on the temporal to embrace the eternal. We were created by God, for God. Our being is to bring Him glory reflecting His beauty and sharing His love. As we walk through trials, Jesus is our comforter, the Holy Spirit our guide.

During times of crushing, we can be assured we are being conformed to the image of Christ. Beloved be encouraged, God is able to enlarge us in the midst of distress.

"God, you are my righteousness, my champion defender. Answer me when I cry for help! Whenever I was in distress, you enlarged me. I’m being squeezed again—I need your kindness right away! Grant me your grace, hear my prayer, and set me free!” Psalms 4v1.


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2 comentários

Andrea Brown
Andrea Brown
10 de mai. de 2020

Good Morning Kelechi, I'm thrilled this message encouraged you. God is giving you grace and increasing you sphere of influence and I am grateful🙏🏾


Kelechi Ukandu
Kelechi Ukandu
10 de mai. de 2020

This is a powerful piece. In my brokenness, the Lord indeed produced something beautiful. I am so encouraged to read this

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