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Pain: A Human Reality And The Truth: There Is Grace In The Blood.

Writer's picture: Andrea BrownAndrea Brown

Pain speaks. But so does the Blood.

And the Blood of Jesus speaks better things. The Cross ✞  has granted us access to His continual presence.

And Jesus, Your Presence is Enough.

Friend, whatever you are wading through–Jesus knows. Most importantly, Jesus knew beforehand.

The enemy would have us question why God would allow such a thing. I want to say from the beginning that there is nothing wrong with asking God questions. He is big enough to handle our questions even when they involve His character.  He knew what was in our hearts before we asked, so ask. I do.

However, I want us to consider whether or not we are asking for us or because we've accepted a lie from the enemy that has triggered a response of unbelief.

I want to say something else: the longer we walk with Jesus, the questions begin to change. So I highly recommend journaling because when we return, we see Him, His hand and heart, and how He has led and transformed (sanctified) us. And seeing Him, our journey through His over-arching narrative leads us to the Cross every time.

Now, the enemy would have us question: If God is good, if God loves us, if God is with us, if we are really a child of God, and if so—why would He allow this to happen, in His sovereignty?

The enemy isn’t questioning us but questioning how we see and what we believe about God. I want you to be aware. These questions aren't coming from you; they are fiery darts from the enemy. These ifs are tactics similar to those presented to Jesus in the wilderness but in a slightly different way.

The question is, will we speak like Jesus in these moments, or will we condescend and allow them to be the catalyst of unbelief?

It only takes a millisecond to accept a thought. Let’s be intentional in receiving the right ones.

Who will you believe?  You will know, because it is revealed in what you say. What we say most often is the position and condition of our hearts?  The evidence is overwhelming by the fruit see in our lives. Yet, God is most glorious and gracious for even we are not faithful: He is.

“For if our heart condemns us, God is greater than our heart, and knows all things.” I John 3:20.
“If we are faithless, He remains faithful; He cannot deny Himself.” II Timothy 2:13.

Access & the Enemy of Our Souls

If we give the enemy any opening, he will twist what is happening to us to make us think that the situation was sent for God’s glory as a tool to refine us.

REJECT: the lie! Lies bind. The Truth, the word of Christ sets us free.

God is God!  He is good. Yes, He will use everything for our purpose and His glory. He doesn’t send sickness, poverty, or fear to discipline His kids.

We live in a broken world. We encounter broken people. Hurting, broken people cut one another. We were destitute and broken apart from Christ. We are saved by the Blood of Jesus, and yet confined to a mortal body. And this is so that the surpassing richness of the Spirit of Truth, Holiness, and Grace will reveal Him to the world.

“But we have this treasure in earthen vessels, that the excellence of the power may be of God and not of us.” II Corinthians 4:7.

God is Good! And not some of the time but ALL the time because it is Who He is, not just what He does!

Some people twist God's sovereignty to explain their situation, saying He sent it, making Him a villain unknowingly. But I know Jesus intimately, and yes, some will take issue with those words, but my boast will be in the Lord. I will not attempt to make God align with my intellect; that would be boxing Him with a human lens, and neither should you.

God gave us access by the Blood of Jesus to see and know Him intimately so we would reflect Him accurately, especially amid adversity, pain, and trial.

We Are Different From Job And Here is Why.

And let’s be very clear about Job’s plight. God did not take anything away from Job; it was Satan. And Job’s situation is specific. Many will say that God allowed it—He did.

Job, though declared righteous by God lived in fear:  “For the thing I greatly feared has come upon me, And what I dreaded has happened time.”Job 3:25

I mention this to condemn Job but for us to pick up on these nuggets to see the larger narrative.

I want us to remember, Jesus hadn't come yet! The Blood hadn't been shed.  Job understood His plight, admitting he did not have a Mediator:

“Nor is there any mediator between us, Who may lay his hand on us both.” Job 9:33.

Job took his position under the Law instead of God’s grace, even though the Law wasn't given. And that there is a word and a warning ⚠️. Paul warms the Galatian Church from falling from grace.

There is so much to learn about Jesus in the Book of Job.

You see, in the past, I approached the Scriptures of Job in a time of challenge, but when I read his journey, I was looking for myself, not to see God.

Whenever we come to Scripture to find ourselves, we begin from the wrong starting point. The Bible is about God, and when we read the Scriptures, we encounter Him. Through Jesus, we see God with precision, and by the Spirit, we discover who we are in Him.

I want to make another point about the Book of Job. Go back and read it, and take your time. Chapter nine contains the question of how to be righteous before God. In that chapter, Job is troubled because he has no mediator between him and God. Here’s the thing: We do!

“For there is one God and one Mediator between God and men, the Man Christ Jesus.” I Timothy 2:5.

Friends, that makes all the difference. Jesus is the difference and He is enough. When we go back and read the book of Job not from the lens of his journey, not through the lens of trying to explain our loss and pain, but through the lens of the Cross, we discover Christ.

If it is all about Jesus, then we see with accuracy Law and Grace in effect. God's message hasn't changed, and it never will. His word is sure and remains the same. He is good. It is pride to think anything else

I'm calling it what it is because if we use fig leaves to make us feel better, trying to explain away the things in this life to comfort ourselves, we refuse the Comfort that comes from the truth of God. 

We silently choose our way, intelligence, experience, and what someone has said rather than the Blood that speaks better things.  And what is sad is that we will not walk in all Jesus died to give us, first and foremost being the Spirit, because we reject the Spirit of grace in the sheer act of paving our own way.

I say fig leaves because they represent self-righteousness, and that is what needed to be fixed in Job. When he saw the LORD correctly by encountering Him intimately, Everything was restored.

If this sounds familiar, it is:

“But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added to you.” Matthew 6:33.

If we come before God with our works wrought in our strength and not our weakness, where we rest and receive His grace, they are  “filthy rags.” I will let you explore the meaning behind that in Isaiah. God desires that we BELIEVE His testimony, which is the Word.

“But without faith it is impossible to please Him, for he who comes to God must believe that He is, and that He is a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him.” Hebrews 11:6.

We must receive the righteousness of God by faith in Jesus alone. So, I leave us with this question:

“Who has believed our report? And to whom has the arm of the Lord been revealed?” Isaiah 53:1.

Biblical Journal Prompts:

🥀Pain Speaks, But So Does the Blood

•   Reflect on a time when you felt overwhelmed by pain or doubt. How did you sense God speaking through His Word and Spirit during that time?

•   Journal about what it means to you personally that “the Blood of Jesus speaks better things” (Hebrews 12:24).

🌹Questions in the Wilderness

•   What questions have you brought before God recently? Reflect on whether those questions stemmed from seeking understanding or from a place of doubt influenced by the enemy.

•   Write a prayer inviting God to reveal His truth in the midst of your questioning.

🌹The Power of Intentional Thoughts

•   Consider the statement, “It only takes a millisecond to accept a thought.” Reflect on the thoughts you’ve recently accepted. Were they rooted in truth or lies?

•   Write a declaration of truth based on Scripture to combat any lies the enemy may be whispering to you.

🌹Seeing Through the Lens of the Cross

•   Read Job 9:33 and 1 Timothy 2:5. Journal about the significance of having Jesus as your Mediator. How does this truth reshape your perspective on adversity and trials?

•   Reflect on how viewing Scripture through the lens of the Cross has changed how you see God and your circumstances.

🌹Access Granted

•   Reflect on what it means that the Cross has granted you continual access to God’s presence. How does this truth bring comfort in your current season?

•   Journal a prayer of gratitude, acknowledging God’s goodness and sovereignty in your life.

🥀Rejecting the Lies

•   Write about an area where the enemy has attempted to twist your view of God’s character or actions. How will you actively reject that lie and replace it with God’s truth?

•   Meditate on John 8:32 (“You will know the truth, and the truth will set you free”) and write about what freedom in Christ looks like for you.

🌹The Righteousness of God

•   Reflect on Isaiah 53:1 and Hebrews 11:6. How has God revealed His righteousness to you personally?

•   Journal about areas where you’ve struggled with self-righteousness or striving. Surrender those areas to God and rest in His grace.

🌹🥀🌹Who Will You Believe?

•   Reflect on the question: “Who has believed our report?” (Isaiah 53:1). Write about how you can actively believe God’s Word over your feelings, circumstances, or lies from the enemy.

•   Journal a prayer declaring your faith in God’s report and His promises.

🌹🥀🌹Closing Reflection:

Spend time meditating on Hebrews 4:16:

“Let us then with confidence draw near to the throne of grace, that we may receive mercy and find grace to help in time of need.”

Write about how this truth encourages you to approach God today, no matter what you are facing.

Live Loved🫶🏾

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