What if we suspended everything except the voice of God and honestly believed what He said from this point forward? How different would our lives be if we stopped putting the breaks on the blessing and walked in our inheritance because we operated solely by faith in the finished work of Jesus?
I hope you will read, soak, and enjoy Jesus here. I pray that you would walk away filled yet hungry for more of Him and a fire within to live by and preach the glorious Gospel first to yourself and then to everyone you meet. This is a glimmer; there is more to come…
The Call to Live in His Righteousness
At the end of last year, the Lord revealed that this year would be marked by the word of His RIGHTEOUSNESS in our home. And what an adventure it continues to be! Each moment, He draws me deeper into His Word, particularly this Word, refining my heart and showing me what it means to trust beyond my present reality.
I realize the Gospel is an invitation for me to decrease by operating in faith as bold and unshakeable as Abraham’s—a faith that chooses Christ, even when my present-day reality and the world around me challenge me to think otherwise.
It is denying the flesh, this world, and often our present reality to embrace His word, His life, and His way each moment of the day. This means rejecting thoughts and realities contradicting His promises, even when circumstances seem contrary.
And I'm not saying to ignore what is happening or not talk about the journey; that would be a lie. What I am saying is we get to choose Jesus amid what we face and, when giving our testimony, be intentional about leading people to the Cross where His blood cleanses, His righteousness imputed, His power to transform ever-present, and His glory magnified, rather than the alternative, which is that He is a God who is there to improve our situations and not us.
We read and hear the words “the testimony” or “our testimony,” which we need to be careful of because the enemy would love for our witness to take a sharp turn and point at us, our plight, or our problems and how God fixed them failing to unveil how He has transformed us.
Again, I say this with a heavy heart because it is so easy to make things about us. It can seem like we glorify God when, in actuality, we’ve put the journey on a pedestal. When the word of God says testimony, it refers to God's testimony—the Gospel, where He, His Person, Character, and Work are on display.
Now that I’ve shared this go back and look at the Scriptures that speak about testimony; I think you will also find it is about Him. Yes, His goodness and kindness lead us to repentance (metanoia-changing our minds about Him, aligning our thoughts with His, and eventually surrendering to Him). The most powerful testimony we can give is the Cross of Christ.
Before we proceed, consider the Prodigal son. He returned because He knew the father's heart, and when He arrived, the father's actions are pieces of the Gospel.
My point: Even in that story about his journey of redemption, we are met with the cross: kill the fatted calf, place shoes, a robe, and a ring on his finger, and rejoice, oh rejoice, because the blood has been shed and a life redeemed.
Look at how carefully the Scriptures about the people in the Bible are written to reveal Jesus. I think it is really important we slow down and ponder this. In our excitement to share, we freely give our testimony, and yet if we never lead the person to the Cross, it can mislead them, somehow walking away with a hope fix rather than a hope tethered in the Blood.
It is like portraying God as a vending machine fixing the issues rather than a God of radical transformation cleansing our hearts. And I don’t say this to be legalistic; I say this because a witness minus the Gospel is no witness–just more of us.
It leaves people weak in the faith and struggling to believe in God when they walk through their own challenges or experience suffering. They search for a God to alleviate the pain instead of meeting them in it.
It is important to consider where we are in the faith, which brings us to the heart of my word today. Walking by faith in God's promises isn’t about demonstrating a perfect or easy life; instead, it is about the hope, peace, and joy that come when we possess His life as our own. We must accept His life as our own, and it comes by believing not in me or my posts but in encountering Him and His word and choosing Him over our present reality.
Walking by faith in the Promises of God isn't about wishing our circumstances away but seeing Jesus as God over them. It is meeting Him in them and then watching Him conquer them and this happens by grace through faith in Him and the faith is specific and connected to the Gospel.
“For I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ, for it is the power of God to salvation for everyone who believes, for the Jew first and also for the Greek.”Romans 1:16.
“For in it the righteousness of God is revealed from faith to faith; as it is written, “The just shall live by faith.” Romans 1:17.
As we share the journey, let's remember to share it in the context of the overarching narrative—His Story.
The Significance of Abraham and Sarah’s Journey
We must proclaim His Word in faith, like Abraham, who believed the impossible and held fast to God’s promises. So today, I want us to ponder some of Abraham and Sarah's journey.
I want us to note the name change from Abram and Sarai to align with the PROMISE, that being Abraham and Sarah, in their journey.
My point: our names have changed, too! We are no longer strangers but the children of God. Therefore, being Christ’s offspring changes our BEING; it should shift our perspective to see all aspects of life through His eyes, then alter our language so that we speak what God says and, ultimately, our actions, approaching everything by walking in the Spirit. That is powerful!
As we dive into the journey of Abraham and Sarah, let’s soak in their reality and the choices they made. Consider their age, then consider Sarah's words:
“Therefore Sarah laughed within herself, saying, “After I have grown old, shall I have pleasure, my Lord being old also?” Genesis 18:12.
Sarah didn't say anything about having a baby in her heart, which is often the focus. If we think their story is only about Issac, we've missed it! Issac was a blessing along the way to a greater deliverance—the PROMISE, which, by the way, we are living in.
The intention of the Holy Spirit blows me away. Sarah didn't even say it out loud, rather an inward laugh. Consider how blessed we are and how vital this Scripture is that we are given the privilege of hearing the thoughts within her heart. We are also privy to the intimacy of their bedroom. “Pleasure” is the focus; therefore, it isn’t only about conception but their ability to have and enjoy relations. We often miss that, but God didn't. It was important enough for Him to mention it.
When we slow down and soak in the Scriptures, we witness a God who cares about everything and redeems it all by Grace! Let’s be intentional about not missing these nuggets because they yield immense fruit within the soul.
You see, the verse from Genesis 8:12 finds its connection in the New Testament concerning Abraham’s faith:
“And not being weak in faith, he did not consider his own body, already dead (since he was about a hundred years old), and the deadness of Sarah’s womb.” Romans 4:19.
Incredible, right?
“He did not waver at the promise of God through unbelief, but was strengthened in faith, giving glory to God, and being fully convinced that what He had promised He was also able to perform.” Romans 4:20-21.
The Crux:
“And therefore “it was accounted to him for righteousness.”Romans 4:22.
I often thought Abraham and Sarah’s journey was about Issac, at least from the text in Genesis. But now, with the unveiling in Romans and even Galatians, I see that there is much more. The Promise was not just about Issac but the Seed destined to come through Abraham’s lineage, accomplishing the impossible that being reconciliation to God👉🏾 “The book of the genealogy of Jesus Christ, the Son of David, the Son of Abraham:” Matthew 1:1.
It was about the Holy Spirit coming to dwell in us so we could live by grace through faith, realizing every promise 👉🏾 “that the blessing of Abraham might come upon the Gentiles in Christ Jesus, that we might receive the promise of the Spirit through faith.” Galatians 3:14, which in Christ Jesus is Yes and Amen 👉🏾 “For all the promises of God in Him are Yes, and in Him Amen, to the glory of God through us.” II Corinthians 1:20.
This is such Good News, you see. Abraham lived before the Law and received the promise by faith, and he was blessed, so very blessed. He is the father of faith, yet we often don't spend enough time looking at his life to see what it means for us today. At least, I hadn't until now.
Believe The Gospel
I also don't want us to miss this astonishing revelation: Abraham believed the Gospel, the very same Gospel preached to us.
This should make us go back and steep ourselves in the pages of the Bible, seeking to encounter the face of Jesus and His redemptive plan because He is there! Look here👉🏾 “And the Scripture, foreseeing that God would justify the Gentiles by faith, preached the gospel to Abraham beforehand, saying, “In you all the nations shall be blessed.” Galatians 3:8.
The Lord is opening my eyes to see why I have walked, though blessed with every spiritual blessing, in lack because I failed to realize the promises of Christ in my life.
Oh, friends, I can't wait to unpack this with you. I hope you can feel my great anticipation of this word.
Abraham believed in the finished work of Jesus even though the cross had yet to happen 👉🏾 “Your father Abraham rejoiced to see My day, and he saw it and was glad.” John 8:56.
Abraham received the Gospel, he believed God, and this was accounted to Him for righteousness' sake. Consider how blessed Abraham was in his lifetime because he believed God. He received the abundance of grace and the gift of righteousness, and by faith, he reigned in life tangibly.
How much more should we realize the PROMISE, mainly because we live in the fulfillment?
In a world wrought with disappointment, we are containers of hope for God's glory, with the greatness of His power on display. We often want to testify of the outcome, but we need to testify of the change. We were dead and now live. We are products of the Resurrection, the question is do we believe it?
So many people are hurting, and we know Jesus; we have Him. If we get sidetracked in our personal journey instead of being consumed with Him, we will give them us—not Him. I desire for us to see and live blessed because we are, and that blessing doesn’t stop with us but flows through us to spread the Gospel of our Lord Jesus.
Believe God
“So then those who are of faith are blessed with believing Abraham.” Galatians 3:9.
If we are not experiencing blessings, maybe we don't believe as Abraham did; let that soak in.
This isn't some name-it-and-claim-it! Part of the reason we become weak in the faith is that there is a portion of the Gospel we do not believe. There is unbelief, not about our circumstances but about God. At least, that has been my revelation. God is able and willing to change my situation, but it often didn't happen instantly because my heart needed to believe Him and come into alignment with Him.
If He blesses me based on a lie I believe about Him, I never knew Him, not in truth. If He does the thing I want, but my heart doesn't change what I believe about Him, there is pretense and false expectation. The blessing would be wrapped in a lie about Him. He cannot do that! That would be against His character.
We must see Him accurately to experience Him powerfully.
We think we are waiting on God, but the reality is He is waiting on us! God doesn't have issues. I'm just going to say it. It is us, and we need to own it. Denying it is pride. I'm not going soft here because I've walked in it too long and I don't want you to. He doesn't want us to. He loves us too much not to deliver the Best, and that Best is Jesus every time. Every time it is about Jesus know Him and receiving Him as our reward!
When we come through a situation, we think He has changed the thing; and then we are so distraught when we walk through it again. But look at the life of Abraham and Sarah. When you really take a deep dive into their life you will see they went around some of the same mountains. And this is important because God was changing them. We need to realize it.
This is why the Lord has invited me to stay here and examine Abraham's life for almost three months. There is no sign of me moving on because there is a lot to be had in Abraham’s journey, and again, it is all about Christ.
The opening of this post was about believing God. Jesus is the Way, the only Way, and we walk in the Way when we believe Him. I am going to be transparent. Many of the hard things I’ve endured were because I trusted myself, not Jesus. Oh, believe me, I thought I was trusting Him; the enemy is so cunning.
I trusted my intellect when deciding to refinance our home; we lost it. I didn’t ask God, but I was sure mad at Him afterward. Before my husband had surgery, the procedure that crippled him and rendered him in constant pain for more than a decade, I didn’t ask God. Oh, I prayed, we prayed, but my heart wasn’t in a place of asking God for direction; I prayed with my mind made up. I was tapping God in to bless the decision, not to guide it.
Through my journey, I have seen that I am the issue. The problem was me. Jesus offered me the option to see clearly through the Gospel that He died as me on the Cross; therefore, this infighting and the struggle also died. I needed to belive it; to believe Him and what He accomplished on my behalf. Now, because of the Promise, the Spirit living within me, I can cease striving.
You can cease striving here and now and trust Him.
We've gotten into the habit of questioning everything, and that's okay. God is big enough to answer our questions. I recently asked Him about the Holocaust, but I will save that for another time. He loves us so much that if it matters to us, we should bring it to Him.
And, not but, AND there is something to be said about child-like faith. He desires us to abandon ourselves because that is what happened at the Cross—we died; therefore, we can fully know and embrace Him.
He is it! He is the prize. He is the reward.
“After these things the word of the Lord came to Abram in a vision, saying, “Do not be afraid, Abram. I am your shield, your exceedingly great reward.” Genesis 15:1.
We cannot hold Him or what He has for us if we don't let go of ourselves. He needs room to move. Will we allow Him? When will we stop and simply agree with Him? When will we say, “Okay, I don't need to understand; I just trust You because of Who You Are?”
Experiencing God's blessings, tangibly walking in what Christ died to give us, is connected to what we believe about Him. Again, what that looks like now becomes part of our personal accountability. Like Moses, we hold the staff in our hands. We must raise it up before our personal Red Sea, sling the smooth stone at our Goliaths, and focus our eyes on Jesus so that we walk on water. He isn't going to make us do it. He is a Gentleman~He invites us into it.
Even if the situation doesn't change, it Doesn't Change What God Said!
Friends, I have decided the words I speak will be what Christ says regardless of the circumstance, and if I cannot say what God says I will be silent until I can. I have decided I don't want to live beneath what God has for me, and will not water down the word because I don't see it or feel it or because people don't agree or like it—because God said it!
“Now it was not written for his sake alone that it was imputed to him, but also for us. It shall be imputed to us who believe in Him who raised up Jesus our Lord from the dead, who was delivered up because of our offenses, and was raised because of our justification.” Romans 4:23-25.
“For if by the one man’s offense death reigned through the one, much more those who receive abundance of grace and of the gift of righteousness will reign in life through the One, Jesus Christ.)” Romans 5:17.
Biblical Journal Prompts
Reflecting on Self vs. Savior
• Where do I find myself consumed by my journey, focusing more on my story than on God’s story through me? How can I shift this to honor Him more fully?
Identifying Hidden Blind Spots
• What are the “little foxes” in my life—habits or attitudes from my old self—that I often overlook but hinder my walk with Christ?
Embracing Transformation
• When discomfort arises, how can I embrace it as God’s refining process? In what ways can I reject the comforts of this world to draw nearer to the likeness of Christ?
Faith Amid Contradiction
• Reflect on Romans 4:20-21: What promises of God are challenging for me to believe in light of my current reality? How can I grow in trust, like Abraham, choosing faith despite what I see?
Speaking Life in Faith
• Just as God renamed Abram and Sarai, giving them new identities, what new name or identity has God given me? How can I speak His promises over my life even when others might doubt or mock me?
The Testimony of Jesus
• Revelation 12:11 speaks of overcoming through the “word of their testimony” and the blood of the Lamb. How can I ensure my testimony highlights Jesus’ transformative power rather than my own efforts or achievements?
Living as a Child of Promise
• Galatians 3:9 reminds us we are “blessed with believing Abraham.” How can I anchor myself in this blessing, walking by faith even when I can’t see the outcome?
Choosing God’s Word Over Others’ Opinions
• Reflect on moments when standing on God’s word might seem foolish to others. What examples from Scripture encourage you to stay rooted in God’s promises despite outside opinions?
The Gospel in Everyday Life
• How does knowing Abraham believed in the coming of Christ encourage you to believe in the fullness of what Jesus has done for you? Where can you share this gospel message today?
Refocusing the Journey on Christ
• In what ways have you been tempted to make the journey of faith about personal achievements or experiences? How can you realign your walk to keep Christ as the central figure of your story?
Speaking God’s Truth
• Reflect on how faith actively speaks and agrees with what God has declared about you—that you are forgiven, justified, and loved. Are there specific promises of God that you need to speak over your life to align with this truth?
• Write down what it means for you to speak what God says rather than what fear or doubt might suggest.
• How does declaring His truth impact your confidence in your relationship with Him?
Living in Abundance of Grace
• Consider any areas where you feel challenged to speak life and grace over your circumstances.
• Write declarations from God’s Word about victory, righteousness, and grace, and practice speaking these truths over those areas.
• How does declaring what God says about you help shift your perspective from defeat to reigning with Christ?
I pray these prompts will guide a daily reflection as you seek to walk by faith, like Abraham, trusting in God’s promises over current realities and holding fast to Jesus as the fulfillment of every promise.


